Inscrutable Poetry

 Sometimes on my social media feed I will get delivered a New Yorker cartoon. The other day it was this one:

I studied it. The drawings of the grumpy gardening tools were hilarious. But I knew I had to be missing something. I looked in the comments. Several people referred to "WCW". I was still in the dark.

So of course I had to google red wheelbarrow. Whaddya know - it's a poem.

I confess, poetry isn't my thing. I'm sure if I had been an English major I would have known this.

But the cartoon's idea of animate gardening equipment tickled my fancy. I picture mine gradually waking up from a long winter's nap. Getting prematurely excited when I pulled them out to reorganize them and put them into a different spot in the garage (The Great Garage Cleanup of Spring 2024). Never fear my lovelies. Soon. Soon.

Next weekend is the gigantic plant sale to benefit the Friends' School of Minnesota. I haven't volunteered for several years - first because of the plague, then last May I was in Italy. I'm looking forward to hitting up the special early bird sale for volunteers on Thursday afternoon. I spent some time yesterday and today coming up with my "wish list". They send out a 60 page catalog printed on newspaper, but it doesn't have pictures. So I think browsing online is the way to go.

One of my selections - Cosmos Apricot Lemonade.


  1. I like going to morning markets right at opening time since that's when there are fewer people around. What kind of plants did you end up getting?

    1. The early bird sale for volunteers is on Thursday afternoon. : )

  2. I have never heard that poem either but did like the cartoon that went with it. The Cosmos Apricot Lemonade plant looks beautiful. What a unique name for a flower..

    1. I hope it works out to be as lovely as the photo.

  3. I've got a funny feeling Harry Connick Jr has got something to do with this post!

    1. I say red wheelbarrow and you say red queen - let's call the whole thing off.

  4. Ohhhh the cosmos is so pretty!

    Yeah I’m not a poetry person either, if it’s too metaphorical I just don’t get it.

    1. I'm afraid I'm a pretty literal person, too. : )


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