Connect the Dots


Last week my gym had a "pop-up" spin class (not part of the ongoing schedule) for their senior program. The classes designed for seniors are called ARORA classes. I have no idea whether ARORA stands for anything.

At one point the teacher was walking around checking the read-outs on everyone's bikes - I guess to see if they were following his instructions? As he approached mine, I crooked my finger for him to come closer and said in his ear, "I'm gonna do my own workout today - I had heart surgery a couple of months ago and I'm still in recovery mode, keeping my heart rate low". Now, I said it in his ear because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but he loudly said "that's fine, I don't want to have to give you CPR" and since he was wearing a microphone headset it was broadcast to the whole class. 🙄

But it was a fun class, and I know it would be good for me to do spin classes once I'm back to full activity. Here's the thing - the bike seats, oy!! They are extremely narrow. Bike seats aren't one size fits all. With a good-fitting bike seat, your "sit bones" are resting on the back end of the bike seat. Women's hips are wider, ergo, men's and women's bike seats are shaped differently.

Granted some women's seats are narrower than the second one shown. But my hip bones must be widely spaced, because that's the saddle that's comfortable for me. The saddles on the spin bikes are more like the top one and the end result is that my hip bones are off the edges and my full weight is on my crotch. It's NOT comfortable.

So coming in to the gym this morning, I came out of the stairwell door and there was the spin instructor chatting with someone. He said, "Oh I was hoping to see you in class this morning!" Because of the good turnout last week, they decided to keep on offering the class once a week.

I said, "'s the thing. That saddle is not comfortable for me. I could maybe ride a spin bike for 20 minutes, but 45 minutes is too long".
He said, "See, that's why I was recommending padded bike shorts."
I said, "I was wearing padded bike shorts".
Him: "Oh."
Me: "Would you like some feedback to give to management? It would be nice if some of the bikes had women's bike saddles." I proceeded to explain that my sit bones are hanging off the sides of the saddle and all of my weight is on my lady parts. I succeeded in making him feel very awkward! 😂
Him: "Well. That is one excuse I don't have a comeback for. No one has ever mentioned that before."
Him: "Well, sometimes people are thinking something and just not saying anything."

So, my reading is that for years the women spin class participants have figured that uncomfortable bike seats is just something we have to put up with, because it's too embarrassing to talk about our vulva being squashed. I'm just as much at fault - I used to do spin classes years ago when I was a more avid cyclist, and I never complained because I figured "well that's the way the manufacturers make them and it's not going to change".

But these days I'm salty. Oh god, it's another post about woman problems!!

I hope you've been paying attention to italicized words. Today's is dot.

(I have no idea whether anyone over on AFF is picking up on my "breadcrumbs" but so far I've gotten enigma and initiative through).


  1. Those seats are awful, there's no way for me to be comfortable on them.

    We'll see if they figure it out, I have my doubts because so many just don't pay attention to what they're reading.

    1. I think you're right - I imagine the only people we're going to bring over are those who we already had off-AFF contact via email or text to send them the info.

    2. There’s still a few I think may come, but they’re also not on often.

      That said, I don’t remember where you were talking about Wordpress. Thats what my blog is through, and I like it. There is a page to get to a wider community, there’s also an app. Shoot, I had readers from the app on my offsite blog.

      I’m just not so sure about adult content there

    3. Ah, the adult content is a good question. When I tried starting a blog on Wordpress, it was solely about my travels, so obviously that wasn't an issue. 😊

    4. I don’t plan to do adult content anymore. Not adult in the way we’re using it.

  2. I have not ridden a bike in decades yet remember the seats being uncomfortable then and always felt that my lady bits were falling the meme and the saying as I can relate to it

    1. I've swapped out the saddle on every single bike I've owned. It's a very personal thing. :)

  3. The only bicycle I ride is my little e-bike but haven't ridden it all that much since I started working in Tokyo. I should make more of an effort, tho.

    1. I'm trying to remove some of the "should"s from my life. I've been feeling that way about cycling for a long time, that I "should" do it more often...maybe I need to acknowledge it's just not my thing any more.

  4. Your class instructor sounds a little tone deaf. I even know there are different bike saddles for men and women.

    1. Yeah, it's mystifying to me. He said he'd been teaching spin classes for over twenty years. Maybe he never rides an actual bicycle outside?? 🤔

  5. I like your subversive elements to your AFF posts.

    1. Thanks. It might be a little TOO subtle but I had no luck with getting something more obvious through.

  6. If you guys are missing reading the comments over on AFF - staci said, "OMG you spoke up? What a Karen! Just take the vulva squash like a man!" 😂😂 I cracked up.


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