Freaky Friday

Another quarterly Daytime Kinksters party yesterday.  You guys probably are bored with a recitation of the various ways that I beat someone.  So I’ll just share a couple of highlights.

The “fun crew” - the three couples where the women make their guys dress up in matching feminized themes - were celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.  For the fifteenth time, I wish I could post pictures.  One of the guys was wearing a black lace bodysuit, but incongruously had a large felt green collar around his neck that looked like it had been taken off of a leprechaun costume.  The second one was wearing a corset, garter belt and fishnets.  The third was wearing lovely green lace panties with a matching green lace bralette.  Everyone was wearing miniature leprechaun hats that were kept on their head with a headband.

One of the ringleaders came up to me with two fake gold coins.  She said I could exchange them for two nipple twists on lace bodysuit man, and if I did that I could take a piece of candy from his bucket.  She did warn me, "it's Dollar Store chocolate so it's not that great".  😂

Highlight two.  During the icebreaker game - where partygoers make offers of things that they’ll do for a one minute scene - one of the guys offered that he would “play with his ducks” with someone for one minute.  We were all puzzled.  He showed us the ducks.  Then he opened and closed them and we realized OOOOOH they’re chip clips!   

I believe he was hoping to apply them to someone, but one of the dommes won the bid, so she opted to apply them to him.  One went on each of his nipples, one went on each side of his testicles (OUCH) and in the last ten seconds she moved one of those and clipped it on to the edge of the head of his penis (OUCH OUCH).  

This scene was an excellent example of how it often is good to only sign on for one minute of something.  🤨

I’m so uncreative with pervertibles, I would never think of using a chip clip as a nipple clamp.  I experimentally tried it with this guy this morning, and I’m here to tell you that it works.

Part two of Freaky Friday - HWD and I had an actual date.  Just to refresh, he has two jobs, two kids, and is pretty broke most of the time - so usually our get-togethers consist of him coming over to my house, we watch Netflix, play Scrabble, have sex yada yada.  It’s actually pretty OK with me most of the time because by the time he’s free to get together (usually around 8 pm) that’s about all I’m up for, anyway.

He had noticed a couple of months ago that the band Hurray for the Riff Raff, who he really likes, was coming to town and asked if I’d be interested in going with him.  I wasn’t that familiar with them, but of course I said yes.

After already having to be social for about five hours, I wasn’t really in the mood to go out, but I sucked it up.  They were playing at the Amsterdam Bar, I’d call it a midsized venue.  The show was sold out and it was pretty crowded, probably 500-600 people there and no option to sit down, of course.  HWD had the clever idea of bringing his cane that he used when his knee was injured, so we could take turns using it to lean on and take a bit of weight off our feet.  It helped a little, actually.  I feel so geriatric that I can't even stand for a couple of hours without getting uncomfortable.

At any rate, I enjoyed the show!  The singer was quite charismatic.  

HWD said he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d been to hear music in a bar - he thought maybe before his kids arrived (for reference his oldest is 18 ).   He did take the younger kid to an arena show for a rap artist recently, but of course, that was a completely different vibe.

I did this same post over on AFF as the end, I said that I knew people were having trouble finding their friends who had moved on,  and gave a teaser that I would try to leave some bread crumbs in future blogs.  I'm trying to think what won't send up an alarm.  Maybe sprinkling words in italics?  "I know it can be an enigma to find friends who have moved on.  If you show some initiative, hopefully you can connect the dots.  Sometimes people choose to blog in a new spot."  

I think that might make it past the front line censors.  The problem is, I'm pretty sure that Site Support is monitoring my blog - they are one of my followers and there have been some long delays in post approvals recently.

I dunno, I doubt they're monitoring my comments so maybe I could somehow bury it there.   Or on someone else's post who isn't being watched.  God I sound so paranoid, haha!


  1. I'm never bored about how you beat someone. I'm learning!
    It sounds you are being monitored unduly by AFF - delayed approval is one sure sign.

    1. And can I just say how delightful it is to have a post go live immediately and get a comment right away!! Kind of like the early days of the new Community site.

    2. Those early days of the Community side on AFF were brilliant. In my opinion, those days were the heydays of AFF. It was almost live conversation but the site decided to review and approve its postings. Fair enough, at the time I thought, if something is bad, eg illegal, being posted but AFF became inept at reviewing postings. It's interesting that this site is managing without that review control, so maybe it wasn't fair enough for AFF to do that.

    3. For that matter, I'm sure social media sites don't have staff reviewing every single post and comment! But they also aren't going broke and have the budget for much more sophisticated algorithms that are probably doing some automated monitoring. Instead, AFF relies on low paid staff who don't seem to be very smart.
      Maybe the content review issue is why there seems to be two separate domains here - Blogger to create the blogs, but individual blogspot sites where the content is actually posted. Does the fact that our content is seemingly on independent URLs absolve Blogger of needing to review content? 🤔

    4. That's an interesting question. I've always thought that social media sites claim they're not (legally) responsible for content published on their platforms unlike what happens with books, newspapers and television as a publisher. But regulation, at least in America and particularly in Europe, seems to be going the way that they should be held more responsible for the content they publish.
      I don't know whether that's how Google/Blogger get round the problem.
      I would normally add a smiley face here but I haven't got a clue how I do one here.

    5. I do miss the reaction emoji's on comments here. I think we've tried to coach you about emoji's before, haven't we? My way isn't helpful since I use a Mac rather than a PC. I've set up the 'fn' key on my keyboard so when I press it a menu of emojis comes up, I can browse and select one. 😜

    6. You and others have coached me about emojis and all things IT. I try - I'm not a Luddite, I promise - but I invariably fail on the IT front.
      How do you think that there's no likes here?

    7. it's a bit surprising because it seems to be a standard feature on social media now - FB, Instagram, X, etc - to react to comments. But maybe Google/Blogger is trying to turn down the heat, so to speak, by not offering reaction emojis. It seems like the social media sites are trying to foster rage and other reactions because it means more eyes on their site and therefore more ads sold. That doesn't seem to be the dynamic here.

  2. I can't comment on other social media. I tried to join facebook for that group. It wasn't a good experience. My name and face picture suddenly appeared, which is what I don't want there.

  3. In addition to general Google TOS, here's Blogger specific content policy
    To a question you asked before starting here, "We do allow adult content on Blogger, including images or videos that contain nudity or sexual activity. ..." So, regaling us with story of your next porn shoot a-okay. That is, at least the parts I don't have first-hand knowledge of, being in the cast and all.

  4. Love the songs smarty so thanks for those and introducing us to more Riff-Raff..Happy St. Patrick's Day..

    1. Happy St. Pat's Day Joy, and top o' the morning to you!

  5. I miss the reaction emojis, too. Apparently, there is a way to add a like button to the blogs, but the way to add in the codes isn't as easy as for the subscribe gadget.

    But, not having to wait for the posts to go through the review queue is great.

    Maybe organizing a chat party in one of the chat rooms is a way to get around the censorship. Or send messages via the Message Center if those asking are golds.

    1. I might go the chat room route...sxyldy warned me that site staff monitors private chat rooms too (where do they find the time?? Sheesh). So I think I would need to be careful and clear the info frequently.


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