HNW Leather and Lace

 When I started to think of songs about leather, this is the first one that popped into my head. This was one of my very favorite albums of the 1980's.

I wasn't feeling inspired about the theme until CarriedBack posted a picture wearing leather gloves. These gloves are a recent addition to my toy bag. I've used them with a couple different partners and I think they like the sensation of leathered hands running over their body...or spanking their butt... it's also fun to take one off and slap someone in the face with it. I challenge you to a duel! lol.


  1. I love the feel of leather.
    I hope your back pain eases off very soon.
    Happy HNW!

    1. Thank you! It seems to be improving, gradually. Two steps forward, one step back. The massage today was excellent!

  2. I love that bra, the color and the style, it's so freaking cool.

    I hope your massage helps. Like your friend, my massage routine includes some medical thc prior, I find it help me relax into the experience better.

    Happy HNW

    1. I'm going to have to find a way to make that THC massage experience happen. Maybe with the friend who is willing to come to my home. : )

  3. I have not heard of that band but like the song to it. I have a pair of leather gloves also. Maybe I should wear them to the bedroom with my boyfriend and give him a spank or two on the butt with them..

    1. I hope your back feels better soon..

    2. Thank you, my back does seem to be improving. And give those leather gloves a try! ; )

  4. That bra is so pretty! Loving the gloves, too.

    Hope your back is better!


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