Massage Report

 The therapist, Seth, was waiting in the lobby when I arrived. I should note that I scheduled with him because on someone's post on my neighborhood page, a couple different people had recommended him. He looked....alternative lol. He was wearing shorts despite it being 30 degrees outside, had lots of tattoos, and had those earlobe stretcher thingies. I'm not bothered by this stuff, just an observation.

We went back to his studio and had a fairly lengthy conversation discussing what was going on with my body and what his plans were on how to spend the 75 minutes. He noted that he would communicate a bit early on to make sure the pressure was what I wanted, then would be mostly silent for the rest of the time. Glory hallelujah! One of the things I wasn't crazy about with my last therapist was that he was a Chatty Cathy. For me that's distracting from really feeling what's being done on my body.

He left for me to undress, I got face down on the table. When he came in he started with just applying pressure on my blanket covered body. Then he undraped my feet and calves and applied warm damp towels, which felt great! He used them as a starter on everyplace else that he worked on, as well. When they were closer to my face I realized they were eucalyptus scented. Nice.

I had told him I was extremely wimpy about any pressure on my calves. His pressure was perfect. Pretty strong, but he was keeping the weight well distributed through his hands so there weren't any poky sensations. Did I mention that this guy has big meaty hands? 🤩

After a little bit of work on my calves and feet, he spent most of the rest of the time on my back. There was also quite a bit of yummy head massage. Neck massage, not so yummy. Seems like every massage therapist I've had loves to dig around under the edge of the skull (the occiput, for you anatomy experts). I assume it's their judgement that I'm in need of it but mostly I just end up with that spot feeling very tender the next day.

He had me flip over at the end. Now for a secret confession. He did this move where he started with his hands encircling my neck, then moved them outward toward my shoulders. I'm not at all interested in actual breath play but there's something about the feeling of hands placed around my neck... shivers.

Funny, the only picture I could find was part of an article on massage danger zones. LOL. He knew what he was doing, there was no pressure, it was just a starting point for his hands to move outward.

So...thumbs up. It was fairly expensive. I'll need to scrutinize my budget to see if I could fit this in once a month.


  1. I'm always a sucker for a head massage especially if I'm told to shut my eyes and they don't talk. a few hairdressers do head massages after washing my hair but before cutting it, though I haven't yet found a hairdresser who does that where I now live.

    1. Oh yes, I'm all about getting a nice scalp massage during the shampoo. I used to go a salon where they would do a mini facial too, it was great.

  2. Oh I’m jealous, he sounds like an amazing therapist. I hate talkers too

    1. I've had a couple of different people tell me I should see a chiropractor. I dunno, I think I'd rather spend my dough on a good massage therapist.

    2. As someone who has done both, I prefer massage therapy

  3. I have only ever been to a chiropractor and have never had a massage myself. Your guy sounds like he knew what he was doing and hope it helped to alleviate your aches and pains..

    1. The first couple of days afterward I think I was still sore from the massage! I do feel better today, thank you.

  4. Sounds like an awesome massage therapist. I've only been to chiropractors and a few Chinese massage therapists. It's great when they're not chatty. The hair stylist I go to goes about cutting my hair and leaves me to my reading.

    1. How is Chinese massage different from American/European massage?


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