
Showing posts from April, 2024

Desperation Move

 An AFF member posted in Club 7 today that he was no longer able to access chat rooms without getting a pop-up message prompting him to either upgrade to gold or fork over 50 points. Other people stated that they weren't having that issue, however a knowledgable member reminded everyone that the site tends to do a gradual rollout of changes like this so it could be 25% of people are seeing it and the other 75% will get it later. Another member just chimed in, Until just moments ago,,, EVERYTHING was going,,, Great, going as normal... So, I finish up on the Community Side and go to check on the Dating Side,,, I had noticed a few minor changes earlier, the searches were set up differently. But When I go back a few ago,,, EVERYTHING is a Pop-Up,,, Pay for This, Pay for That.... $14.95 to see My Hotlist $14.95 to see Who's viewed me $14.95 to see My Friends Upgrade To Gold OR 50 points per comment In ANY Blog Or Group Chat Room They must be desperate to get people to upgrade.  I

The Mailbag

Witchy picture just for decoration: I should start by explaining that my profile tag line says “Mostly here to blog - select exceptions apply”. Received at the end of March: Let me be your exception. I'm a guitarist and I'll hold your curves like a fine instrument and make you sing. Ok, that was super corny. But at least it wasn’t a crass suggestion to “fill all my holes” or something like that. He was my age and seemingly local, so I went to look at his profile - I’ll admit I do that for everybody, even those who are obviously unsuitable, just because I’m a curious kitty. Turned out he was married. So I replied, “Thanks, but… you’re married, not my thing.” Almost three weeks later (maybe after his “fine instrument” line bombed out with everyone else he approached?) he sent this: Hey there, I hope you’re doing well! So here’s the deal. I’m offering you, without a doubt, some of the best sex of your life. I say this because I know what I’ve done for my past FWB’s. Lonely married

Travel Poll!

  As I've been cleaning out old posts, I came across a travel poll from 2016 so I figured I'd do one again.   I've made it to two of the four destinations that were in that 2016 poll - Spain/Portugal (a cruise around the outer edge) and Greece. Here's some of what I'm considering now, for next year: Machu Picchu and the Galapagos This almost seems...hackneyed? at this point but I'm sure it would be exciting to see Machu Picchu. I suspect overcrowded, though. An African safari I've been a little bit "done" with Overseas Adventure Travel, as the pace is kind of slow and elderly. But I figure a safari consists of sitting in a truck most of the day so that wouldn't really matter. I have several friends who have done safari trips with them and really enjoyed it. Costa Rica Not sure if I would do this through OAT. I think ideal would be a yoga retreat kinda place where I would also have the option to book some adventures. Iceland I'm a little amb

HNW - Favorite Body Part

  Now, we all know I struggle with body image, but I do love the message in this song:  'when I move my body just like this, it feels like freedom'. After much deliberation, I've decided my favorite body part is my deltoids.  Odd choice I know!  I was a lap swimmer for many years and also did some open water swimming in triathlons.  I haven't done much swimming over the past few years because I developed an allergy to chlorine.  I should try it again to see if maybe it went away! Last night I told HWD about the theme this week and asked him what was HIS favorite part of my body. He said, "your wide hips". So here's a photo of those. This post was denied by three different reviewers on a row over on ye olde AFF.  I guess they must have something against giant asses.

Desirability Differential

HWD was over Thursday night. We had been chatting on and off about taking pictures in my new shower, so we decided to experiment a bit - figuring out best spot in the bathroom to put the phone, seeing whether the shower glass would fog up just the right amount, etc. HWD did some video of himself while I was undressing. It was hot. 😊 He has a very nice, lean body and I'm pretty sure the situation was arousing him, because while not erect, he looked very big. 🤭 Then he stopped that video and started a new one. We showered together, embraced, kissed, etc. Once we were all cleaned up we stopped the video, dried off, and climbed into bed to watch our not-exactly-a-sex-tape. His first comment was, "Oh my god I'm so much shorter than you!" 😂 I mean, he   knows   that I'm taller, as he put it, "I know that my chin only comes up to your shoulder but I never realized what it looks like from the outside". My overall reaction was that I didn't like how my bod

An old post about moderation

 I've been going through the laborious process of saving off posts on AFF (my count has gone from 1890 to 1765 - woo hoo). Today I stumbled across this post from 2014 - I would love to re-post it there, but of course there's no way it would get approved by the reviewers of today.  So here you go... Who's Minding the Store? There have been a number of posts recently talking about how so many people (ok let's call it as it is - MEN) don't follow norms of respectful behavior on AFF. I heard a fascinating podcast story yesterday that tied in with this issue. First - a recommendation if you like listening to podcasts: check out Snap Judgement. It's a similar format to This American Life - three or four different stories around a selected theme - but the host, Glynn Washington, is like the anti-Ira Glass. Don't get me wrong, Ira Glass is my uber-crush - I go in for that nerdy Jewish intellectual type. Washington's delivery is completely different, but really e

HNW - Bath

  HWD helped me with photos this week. Here's the photo that inspired me (even though she's holding crochet hook, not knitting needles). And here are my versions. And while we're talking about knitting, here's my latest FO (finished object): True confession - I used PicsArt on the third picture and used the tooth whitening tool.  It was like a miracle!  What a game changer!  Of course if you ever meet me in person I still will have teeth that look like I've been drinking coffee for 45 years.

An Amusing Thought

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been hanging out on Reddit lately and one of the sub-Reddits I follow is about menopause.   I’ve been truly struck by the number of posts expressing pure rage, or coming to a realization that they actually don’t really like their husband (and vice versa). A sampling of post titles: Menopause is so fun.   Hopefully I can keep from getting fired. Menopause has made me realize that my family doesn’t like me. Rage playlist - I’m looking for your loudest, ragiest, hardcore songs that I can add to my rage playlist Losing it.   Lost it. Menopausal insanity? I wanted to slap a teenage girl today My marriage is over Don’t get me wrong, these aren’t the majority of posts - most of them are about hormone replacement therapy and the usual variety of symptoms; hot flashes and night sweats, and so on.   But I find it striking and it also brought me back to the post I did a while back about all of the women in the 50+ solo travel Fb group whose marriages ended at the dr