New Game - guess why this post was denied

 Here we go...

Craft report

Couple of finished objects, recently.

First, the Aveena sweater. I'm happy with how it turned out except for the tiny botched stitch halfway down the right hand sleeve (your left).

Second, my mosaic table top. In which I managed to repurpose some of the left over tiles, from the bathroom wall tiles that I rejected. It's funny, the colors looked so puegy up on the bathroom wall, but I think they look pretty on this table top. I'm not completely satisfied with the grout. I just smoothed it with my hands. It probably would have been better if I had an actual leveling tool, and a sturdier sponge.

But all in all I'm happy and maybe I'll even end up doing a mosaic on the bottom tray of the coffee table, too.

Not Crafts

I went with two of my besties to see Robyn Hitchcock last night. I first got to like him when a long ago boyfriend introduced me to Fegmania and Gotta Let This Hen Out.

He also was in a band called the Soft Boys that had some distinctive sounding songs, and last night he did the Soft Boys song "I Wanna Destroy You". It was quite scathing indeed.

(on the first two attempts with the post I included a lyric that including picking over someone's bones, then decided to take it out since it was the only possible objectionable thing in the post)

I think my favorite tune of the evening was "I'm Only You", both for the lyrics and the very pretty guitar. He did a trippy guitar solo at the end of the song, enhanced by something special that he directed the sound board guy to use. "After I count down 5-4-3-2-1, pull out the BIG ONE Eric".

There's a long spoken part at the beginning of about a minute and a half that you can skip, but it's worth listening to.

Said I'm a willow bending in your mind
I'm a mirror cracked from side to side
I'm a snow-covered mountain
In an empty room
I'm a house that burns down
Every night for you
Said I'm a doorway leading to the dark
I'm a liquid you're dissolving in
I'm a policeman working
In an empty house
I'm a distant steeple
On a long-deserted plain
Sometimes when I'm lonely,
Baby, then I'm only you
Said I'm a pattern on a china bowl
I'm a memory engraved upon your soul
I'm a prison cell without a door
I'm a finger drawing
On a frosty window pane
Sometimes when I'm lonely,
Baby, then I'm only you
Sometimes when I'm lonely,
Baby, then I'm only you


  1. I'll be honest in saying I didn't watch all the videos, is it possible there is a kid in one?

    Because otherwise, I got nothing.

    The sweater looks great, I don't see the missing stitch. But, I get it, it's your mistake so your eyes are more drawn to it than mine.

    I love your mosaic coffee table tray, it looks cool.

    I'm glad you enjoyed your time out!

    1. Looks like I missed replying to this or maybe my reply was spam filtered!
      No children that I noticed in the videos, but I Wanna Destroy You is heavily political with imagery of Putin, Nixon, GW etc and nuclear bombs going off - so perhaps that was deemed to be too controversial. I did get a second post through a couple of days later after removing that video.

  2. Let's hope the new review process will see fewer stupid denials. Time will tell.

    1. I'm not hopeful, seeing as what was described to you sounds just like what was proposed at the town hall last fall and doesn't seem to have happened.

  3. I can not see anything that would get this post denied at all. Both your sweater and mosaic are gorgeous and love the colours. I liked the songs and had never heard of him until now. Thanks for sharing..

    1. Thanks Joy! He's an interesting songwriter for sure. :)

  4. I cannot even hazard a guess why AFF banned this blog post.

    1. Me neither, and I seem to be being ignored now on the "Was Your Post Denied" thread. I had one three weeks ago that they never have responded to.


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