
Showing posts from March, 2024

Happy Creepy Easter

 The guy who I follow, who posts vintage erotica pics, dropped a few for Easter and I was struck by how the Easter bunny was kinda creepy in all of these: And I have my own contribution.  The bunny doesn't look especially creepy in the picture, but I have a clear memory of looking up and his eyes were these mesh-covered holes, and it freaked me out lol. Oh, late breaking add - I found this treasure trove of pictures that proves Easter bunnies are more often creepy than not:   57 Creepy Easter Bunnies I no longer particularly celebrate Easter (aside from buying some Starburst jelly beans when I was at Walgreen's yesterday, a rare indulgence).  But still appreciate the sentiment of spring hopefulness.  

Massage Report

  The therapist, Seth, was waiting in the lobby when I arrived. I should note that I scheduled with him because on someone's post on my neighborhood page, a couple different people had recommended him. He looked....alternative lol. He was wearing shorts despite it being 30 degrees outside, had lots of tattoos, and had those earlobe stretcher thingies. I'm not bothered by this stuff, just an observation. We went back to his studio and had a fairly lengthy conversation discussing what was going on with my body and what his plans were on how to spend the 75 minutes. He noted that he would communicate a bit early on to make sure the pressure was what I wanted, then would be mostly silent for the rest of the time. Glory hallelujah! One of the things I wasn't crazy about with my last therapist was that he was a Chatty Cathy. For me that's distracting from really feeling what's being done on my body. He left for me to undress, I got face down on the table. When he came in

HNW Leather and Lace

  When I started to think of songs about leather, this is the first one that popped into my head. This was one of my very favorite albums of the 1980's. I wasn't feeling inspired about the theme until CarriedBack posted a picture wearing leather gloves. These gloves are a recent addition to my toy bag. I've used them with a couple different partners and I think they like the sensation of leathered hands running over their body...or spanking their butt... it's also fun to take one off and slap someone in the face with it. I challenge you to a duel! lol. I have a professional massage scheduled in a couple of hours. My back has been bothering me a lot the last 2-3 weeks. The massage from a friend that I wrote about earlier helped a LOT...along with a really good yoga class the following day. Then last week I did another class where the teacher had us do Sphinx pose. Whoops not sure what's happened to the spacing there! Sphinx is a great antidote to the smart phone slum

Connect the Dots

  Last week my gym had a "pop-up" spin class (not part of the ongoing schedule) for their senior program. The classes designed for seniors are called ARORA classes. I have no idea whether ARORA stands for anything. At one point the teacher was walking around checking the read-outs on everyone's bikes - I guess to see if they were following his instructions? As he approached mine, I crooked my finger for him to come closer and said in his ear, "I'm gonna do my own workout today - I had heart surgery a couple of months ago and I'm still in recovery mode, keeping my heart rate low". Now, I said it in his ear because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but he loudly said "that's fine, I don't want to have to give you CPR" and since he was wearing a microphone headset it was broadcast to the whole class. 🙄 But it was a fun class, and I know it would be good for me to do spin classes once I'm back to full activity. Here's

Puppy Love

 I posted this on AFF today and it was denied.  I should have known better than to think I could get a picture of a lady in bed with her cat approved, haha! On to the post... Have you noticed lately that a lot of people seem more into their pets than interested in finding a human partner? A few examples: On my new obsession, Reddit, the menopause sub-reddit recently had a thread recounting the many ways that women are done with men and either want a divorce; or if single, plan on staying that way (I could do a whole post about that thread - maybe some other time). There was a significant digression where women were talking about how they get better companionship from their cat(s) - with a lot less work - than they ever did from their ex-husband or boyfriend. They were not concerned about fitting the cat lady stereotype - not one bit! Two, I'll admit it, I'm obsessed with The Dogist. It's an Instagram account where this street photographer Elias stops people out walking thei

Freaky Friday

Another quarterly Daytime Kinksters party yesterday.   You guys probably are bored with a recitation of the various ways that I beat someone.   So I’ll just share a couple of highlights. The “fun crew” - the three couples where the women make their guys dress up in matching feminized themes - were celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.   For the fifteenth time, I wish I could post pictures.   One of the guys was wearing a black lace bodysuit, but incongruously had a large felt green collar around his neck that looked like it had been taken off of a leprechaun costume.   The second one was wearing a corset, garter belt and fishnets.   The third was wearing lovely green lace panties with a matching green lace bralette.   Everyone was wearing miniature leprechaun hats that were kept on their head with a headband. One of the ringleaders came up to me with two fake gold coins.  She said I could exchange them for two nipple twists on lace bodysuit man, and if I did that I could take a piece of candy

Just A Quick Hi

 Hey, I've been lurking a little while.  But with Enigma's helpful tutorials I have a profile set up now. Maybe now I can say things about people who I didn't want to say things about on AFF, because there was the possibility they would read my blog.  Perhaps you will now hear about the less than perfect aspects of my relationship with HWD.  ðŸ˜„ Or...maybe it's not healthy to blog about such things.  We'll see. For now I'm going to celebrate this not being a trashy site where I'm afraid to show my face.  Here's a picture from my Italy trip last year. Oh and a query... I've tried to read people's blogs on my phone on Safari browser - I can read them OK but when I try to leave a comment I'm prompted to sign in to Google and when I click that button, it just throws an error.  So then I was thinking maybe there is an app version for smart phones.  When I searched for that I found that Blogger only has an app for ANDROID phones.  Thanks a lot.  Lon